earplug keepsakes
find a place in the gallery (anywhere by yourself) and sit down. once sitting, take out the earplug packet. when you are ready, open earplug packet (notice the earplugs) then place them into each ear. listen to yourself; listen to the room; listen to your body in the space. do not read this while you sit—just sit. relax. in about five minutes (don’t worry about the time) you will notice a man with a FOLLOW ME sign walking around. when you see this man with this sign pass by please get up and follow. continue listening.
when you arrive at the next space find a spot to sit and sit (please do not open any other items in the plastic bag until directed). when you notice everyone is seated, slowly count to 20 (in your head); now take out the envelope labeled 2–3–4–5.
(take out earplugs and read part 2)

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